Lutz Loyalty Club
Prepare for the Unpredictable
We see a wide variety of unexpected inconveniences that can occur in the home and also necessary repairs and replacements that are unavoidable. Some things are unpredictable, and when it comes to the health and safety of your home, it is no laughing matter! The best thing is to be prepared as a Lutz Loyalty Member!
When You Sign Up, You Earn…
A Free Yearly Safety Inspection
Member Only Specials
Free Extended Warranties
15% Discount Off Any Service Up to $2,000
Free Priority Scheduling
After Hour Services
And More, Depending on Your Membership!
Choose a Plan That Fits Your Needs!
One Year Agreement
An additional main drain camera and report for only $120 more!
Three Year Agreement
An additional main drain camera and report for only $99 more!
Real Estate Plan
Covers up to 6 properties. Additional properties can be added for $50 each!